We were delighted to get an email from Linda Magid recently. Would we like to talk about stylish shoes, she asked, for an article on footwear for older feet to run in Senior Planet. Boy, would we ever! We gave Linda an earful (okay, an eyeful, since it was all on e-paper) about feet, shoes, price, comfort, style, surgery, and our conviction that we would both make great shoe designers ('cause we've been there and worn that).
That's not us in the picture above, by the way. But you already knew that, right?
We were not the only women asked to weigh in on the shoe issue. For a full complement of views, Linda also spoke to Jean Woods, Debra Rapoport, Sue Kreitzman and Lynn Dell Cohen. We run the gamut (pardon the pun).
Click here for the whole article, and lots more photographs. Readers, if you know a shoe designer, show this to him or her, PLEASE!
I read the article. Excellent advice! I wish I knew a shoe designer to introduce you to.
ReplyDeleteA great read. I've had to wear good shoes for years because of ongoing problems. Birkenstocks aren't all that good for the feet anyway!