Gregory is one of the gents who really knows how to dress, can do vintage and look totally debonair. Loved his bowler, boots, jodhpurs, vest and scarf topped by a leather trench. Perfection!

Gregory reconnected with Angela, who forthrightly called herself Big Ange, whom he'd met at one of the vintage outings on Governor's Island. One imagines she was not the only Angela in her neighborhood, so she was Big Ange to distinguish herself from Little Ange. This photo was taken soon after our arrival. The next time we ran into Angela, she showed us a jaw-dropping pair of gloves she'd just bought. They were probably from the late 30s or early 40s. Black leather with white piping, and the wrists - maybe four inches long - were slashed lengthwise into about 10 slits, each of which also had white piping. To absolutely DIE for!
Gretchen Fenston wore an amazing vintage outfit and perfectly matched hat (of course) that fit her to a T. She never fails to amaze and delight.

Continuing our theme of stylish men and women who incorporate vintage into their wardrobes and look so perfectly put together, check out this dapper gent who runs Hollywood and Vine, which features dresses, jewelry, shoes and -- ta da -- hats! We always have to stop in his booth to see what he showing AND what he's wearing.

The incomparable Lynn Yeager. Her look is unique and she is instantly recognizable. Our experience is incomplete unless we get an opportunity to see what she's wearing, and get a photo.

Designer Timothy John is another stylish figure known for mixing modern Issey Miyake with antiquities. Needless to say, the rule book goes out the door when trying to peg Tim's looks.

Tziporah Salomon mixes vintage clothing from multiple continents from different eras from multiple sources. She paired a vintage Japanese indigo skirt with platforms from Trippen.

Don't you just love these bakelite radios and clocks from Radio Craze in Wallkill, NY? They looked like candy. The colors were just gorgeous.

Chubo really changed up his look this time. We never thought we'd see the day he'd be wearing oversize denim overalls and blue work shirt. He paired it with this oversize denim jacket with the most unlikely detail: three wooden teddy bear buttons, gradually increasing in size.

Our pal Lee Chinalai and her nephew posed for a shot. Lee not only sells antique, Asian and tribal textiles, but also incorporates them into her own wardrobe.

Adrienne Astrologo of of Lady Bag International brings new meaning to the term "bag lady". We loved her outfit, although it's a bit hard to make out in our picture. When Jean ran into her at the West Palm Beach Antique Show in January, Adrienne was just beginning a long Florida visit, hitting several of the vintage clothing shows and avoiding the cold New York winter. It was great to see her back in the Big Apple.

Here's a pair of Pier Show shoppers pausing for a photo op.

Valerie tried on the jacket of a terrific vintage suit that had that great 1940's flair (think Katherine Hepburn and Joan Crawford). Jean couldn't resist taking this shot to show off the nipped waist and Valerie's adorable black and white Korean booties. Valerie eventually had to pass on the suit. The jacket was scrumptious, but the skirt was too small at the waist. Sob!

This hand made hat with matching hat pins caught Valerie's eye because it seemed the perfect match for a black and purple jacket. Hat aficionados will recognize this as a typical 1950s hat - one of those demure little things that are made to go across the head from ear to ear. That didn't work so well, but it was a lot more fun when placed front to back instead. The antennae are hilarious. Turns out the jacket is a slightly different shade of purple, and is a check pattern, while the hat is a houndstooth. But they don't swear, and may well be seen together in a future post.

We can always tell a Norma Kamali a mile away, so we stopped to talk Norma with this well turned out visitor in a marvelous sleeping bag coat. There was also a vendor wearing a Norma. We tried to cajole her into being photographed, but no luck. So that makes at least four of us (Jean, Valerie, the woman below and the unseen vendor) sporting some forma Norma at the event. Norma is a genius!

Our friend Robert scored a really terrific, very graphic vintage blanket. Such great colors!!!!

Don't you like how this woman's contemporary hat, cloak and ensemble create that great vintage clothing vibe?

Milliner's Guild member Kathy Anderson (wearing one of her designs) modeled the wonderful coat she wore to the show -- it's hand painted by an artist friend of hers. She bought the coat specifically so he could paint on it. Of course, we had to show you both front and back.
By odd coincidence, we ran into both Kathy and Robert and Friederike (below) at the Milliner's Guild hat show at the National Arts Club. At the booth where this photo was taken, Valerie had just purchased a carved cicada pin of buffalo horn (?). We ran into Robert and Friederike again a little later. (Keep reading to find out what happened when we did).
Vendor Lulu ALWAYS wears something wonderful. This time she was sporting a hat by a contemporary Israeli designer. Somehow it has a look of old Japan about it. There's an outer transparent airy black layer over an inner transparent airy white layer.
Carol is an inveterate collector of vintage, as is her husband, Daniel (in the photo below). Left to right are Jean, Carol, and Carol's mother-in-law.
And here's the man of the hour himself. Check out the color of his shirt. Where does one even FIND a man's shirt in that color?! And how many men could pull that off as if they'd just plucked it casually out of their closet? And how many men could put the whole thing together like this?
We loved this woman's distinctly non-vintage coat. Color and shape are great, making excellent use of modern materials and modern themes. (Did someone say Michelin Man?)
And we thought this gentleman's glasses were the cat's meow. Look closely to see the layer of white that contrasts so nicely with the layer of black.
We look forward to running into Mo who comes to town for the vintage shows. Don't you just love her great haircut and glasses?
Valerie thought this woman bore an enviable resemblance to Tilda Swinton. When we first saw her from the distance, she was trying on what looked to be a romantic black cape. All too quickly, she had taken that off and was trying on this stole. Love how her hairdo complements her face. She looks like anything would look good on her.
What we're wearing:
Jean is wearing a vintage Norma Kamali faux fur turban from the 1980s; Kyodan jacket; Brigitte harem pants; Underground black and white creepers; Creepsville black resin skull necklace; vintage bakelite rings; cross-body bag from street vendor.
Valerie is wearing a red mouton hat (labeled Granite State Toy Co.), necklace of hollow silver fruit, vintage Issey Miyake jacket, Norma Kamali suit, shoes by Flat/Apartment.